End of Spring Photo Purge
June 17, 2021

Time is divided in pictures, like blondies.
A 90’s day, I binged grunge documentaries and made a tofu scramble

Hello, berry season

Waiting for a mermaid on South Beach, Staten Island

Tried these Kite Hill tortellini. Good flavor and texture…
If you need to use up a lot of apples, make a compote. Also add cranberries from the school cafeteria.

Scene from my dish rack, my sweaty skate pads all soaked and ready to dry

When I want to treat myself at work: Park Mor from Coco Thai

More scenes from wandering about around my job

Special treat from Little Cupcake Bakeshop, a very cakey chocolate chip cookie

Vegans’ fruit bowls be like…

Waiting around on Staten Island again

Special treat from a co-worker

Pumpkin cupcake off-season, so I used butternut squash

Because they’re her favorite cupcakes

The last curry of the season… maybe

This is packed with lemon arugula, the best green ever

MaraNatha Vanilla Raw Almond Butter is an absolute dream. That’s all.

Hello, melon season too

Actually, I’m most likely not free

Been loving exploring my friend’s new neighborhood

My favorite store

Ferry weather again

Waiting for the roses

That’s Bayley Seton hospital across the way

Amusing book my student was reading

Thrift scores

Still love hunting for vinyl

[…] I used the rest of my raw almonds and that delicious MaraNatha vanilla almond butter that I told you about. And the coconut I got for the pride marshmallows that never […]