December Outtakes
December 31, 2022

It was a grueling month leading up to Christmas. I guess because I go hard with festivities! To follow are some captured images of the mad dash.
More shots of my tree.

This year’s Christmas card shoot

Pigeons dancing
Special treats before work

Cold mornings… even though now it’s like 50 degrees.

The biggest grape ever. Just thought you’d like to see it.

Winter mornings

Secret Santa Zoom!

This started a week of festive wear

Nerd alert


More tackiness

With so much going on, I was ordering in a lot…

Time to party in school!

And finally, pajama day! This would be the end of the festive wear.

Christmas fun

This bell has been used by my parents every year to initiate the opening of gifts.

My favorite gift!

Goodbye December holiday season and 2022. Thanks for all the wonder, 22.