Dead Horse Point State Park
Half the Park is After Dark
π International Dark Sky Park #12
August 17, 2020

Even though true night would start hours later and because of dangerous cliffs and the prospect of losing my footing in the dark, I began shooting at the start of the Milky Way rise… 9:10 to be exact. Look how visible it is despite the sky still being very light-filled. That’s Utah sky in another IDA-certified dark sky park–my 12th. Though my worry shortened my night shoot, I was happy to see how many shooting stars I had captured. I woulda been wishing more if I noticed!

Sky getting dark and I played with illuminating the canyon. My flashlight was not far reaching so it didn’t light up the neat landforms within it.

Are you seeing those shooting stars?

And a suuuper shooting star!

Time for a semi-goodnight sleep, though I have a sunrise plan in the morning. New and more beauty then!