Cupcake Camp NYC
April 10, 2009

CupcakeCamp NYC was a total blast! Below is one of my offerings… the marsh-nilla cupcake: golden vanilla cake with a oozing layer of marshmallow topping (from My Sweet Vegan‘s marshmallow mudpie recipe) and dandies on top.
Here, CandyPenny and I represent the vegans well in our separate table. She offers cupcake fiends chocolate peanut butter babies and gluten-free vanilla with a hazelnut icing. Alongside my marsh-nilla are the German chocolate cupcakes I called Khocolate Küchlein (Küchlein being German for cupcake).
Big thanks to the dear folks who showed up to support the cupcake cause. I’m sure it had nothing to do with free cupcakes being involved.
The bar was packed as cupcake connoisseurs shimmied and sidestepped from bar to cupcakes, making the rounds with their cameras in hand. Below, the delightful Stacie Joy of Cupcakes Take the Cake, the original hot topic and pipeline for all things cupcake, photographs CP. Click here for their footage of this wonderful event.
Below, a divine close-up of CandyPenny‘s gluten free vanillas.
What a wonderful evening! I can hardly wait for the next CupcakeCamp.
The end.