California Desert Adventure ☀️
Death Valley National Park (Night)
July 4, 2021
I really wanted to do this cosplay-astro shoot, a genre I may have invented as I have never seen other pictures fitting it… though admittedly I haven’t looked very hard. I wanted to battle my friend, galactic style. And so a portion of my suitcase contained the costume for this one evening.
Shooting while it is 100 F+ in the evening was tough especially considering the wardrobe. Actually, it was pretty darn dangerous… The Milky Way showed up on queue.
This is the stillest shot I got. It is extremely hard to hold still considering the long exposure, heat and general discomfort of the now ill-fitting costume.
Ridiculousness ensuing
Even more difficult, both of us remaining still!
I really couldn’t wear the wig for long.
Disheveled alien ladies… Overall I’m a bit disappointed with the shots, but it was still my vision come to life. I suppose this is why photographers splice multiple shots…
I left this shoot feeling like I had taken the Milky Way for granted… that I was too focused on our part of the shot… I icked myself out thinking about it.