π Happy 80th Birthday Dad πΎ
July 18, 2023

My Dad turns 80 this year! So I was called upon to help make the celebration special… and delicious. The plan…

These silicon molds were scary at first but with some Earth Balance and some flour, the cakes released very easily!

I made Rainbow Nourishment‘s strawberry cake recipe I made for my Dad last year.

He wanted strawberry and pineapple cake, so I subbed the same amount of pineapple for strawberry in the recipe above and it worked. The acidity level of the pineapple does risk some deflation, Rainbow Nourishment let me know, however since the mold was so narrow and would be covered with all kinds of stuff, it worked.

Some piping tips waiting for use

I wanted to make mini vanilla cupcakes for a garnish.

And dried pineapple, though I burnt most of these.

Getting the color scheme going… It was so humid while I made this frosting that my first double batch was a big fail. It would never hold up the ride to my parents’ house. I needed to increase fat content of butter.

Ready to start frosting first layer

Now to set in refrigerator because it’s already melting…

The mini cupcakes ready

Second layer on

The start of frosting… Too much brown though. I had color scheme regrets.

The strawberry woke it up a bit

All done! Now a bunch of pictures of it…

On the way…

Happy Birthday Dad!


A throwback from his 70th…