World Cup…cakes
June 13, 2010

I kind of caught World Cup fever. It was hard not to with television, newspapers, chalkboard signs at bars and men at the bagel store hyping the rivalries and sensationalizing the sensation. Heck, even the supermarket was prepared with soccer cupcake liners! They were the last piece of a cupcake plan that had taken shape a few weeks back when I learned I’d be attending a World Cup party. Ever-ready to ponce on a baking theme, this is what I came up with.
I wanted a variety of cupcake flavors symbolizing diversity. Halving VCTOTW‘s basic vanilla, basic chocolate and the graham base from the s’mores cupcake recipe, I had a golden yellow, a deep, rich brown, and a gorgeous black.
As the cupcakes lined up for their icing, I organized their flags. The variety pack of little flags I picked up from N.Y. Cake, a baker’s heaven, had a mix of nations… all of whom were participating in the World Cup! England’s flag was not the official but the Union Jack flag. Oh well. What do you want for $2.59?
I also picked up some black food coloring gel, in the hopes of creating a soccer-ball pattern with pipings of that sweet, sweet vanilla buttercream. The black coloring, however, was more a metallic gun-metal grey… a color that spread and stained easily.
And they’re done! The World Cup-cakes.