Winter Is Coming

It happens every year. Back to school whirlwind and boom!… Christmas music, freezing cold, hibernation.  But I’m holding on, despite the growing pile of things to bring to my classroom.  Inspired by this, this recipe is so so Summer.  It’s also the first dinner I served to another in my new apartment, first dinner placed on my new-to-me vintage table before we stood at the kitchen counter to eat because I don’t have chairs yet.  Isn’t it pretty? 

Beet pasta, chickpeas and avocado in a kale pesto sauce with cherry tomatoes, watermelon, cilantro, pepitas, smashed almonds.  I used yellow watermelon, too, because of the color.  Why else?  

And because the bananas go bad so quickly in this hot, hot heat and berries are cheap and plentiful, I also made banana blueberry muffins.  But soon berries will be out of season; the starchy roots and fleshy gourds of Fall will be my new medium.  Sunrise, Sunset, quickly go the days.