Where Did Our Love Go?
Abandoned Honeymoon Resort ๐
Poconos, Pennsylvania
February 12, 2022

The Poconos is a mountain region in Pennsylvania that used to be considered the Honeymoon Capitol of the World. Now, some of the popular honeymoon resorts from its swinging 1960’s hey day lay in decay, a testament to the endurance of love… or its manifestation in room decor.
The Summit Resort is one such resort. Though some of its tantalizing structures have been demolished, its village of cabins and motel room clusters lay accessible close to the interstate in Tannersville, Pennsylvania.
I spent the afternoon capturing the current state of its rubble. It was an exciting few hours walking within a space dedicated to love and love-making. How odd. But all I saw and heard was Summit’s new form was the whim of time and nature’s amusement. The wind played the remaining pieces–its reeds, its tone holes, the now-purposeless cylindric metal parts–like an unnerving symphony. On love grew mold, rot, holes in the foundation and collapse. Let’s look.

Each cabin had one of these bulbous windows, fully carpeted walls, mirrored ceilings. They wanted you to feel at ease making love in every square inch of space. This element of design function was fascinating to me.

The cabins were so close to each other. Not at all private… but this was the swinging times.

The collapsed roofs made the cabins seem like doll houses a clumsy child had stepped on.

Double windows in front of the bed platform.

It’s amazing what stood in place

Here you see the heart-shaped tub in the rubble.

Carpet everywhere

Let’s go in

Heart-shaped double sink basin

The bed and bath platforms must have been given additional foundational support. They remained far more sturdy than the floor of the cabin.

Hearts and thoughts they fade


There’s a hole in the floor.

Vinyl… no labels

The motel rooms


These toys were a cool find. They were old… like Barbie outfits I remember having. Oddly, they were in great condition.

Though abandoned since 2002, development might demolish the rest of Summit Resort. I hope to get back before then.