What’s the Story, Morning Glory? (Summer photo purge)

How gorgeous is this blue Morning Glory? It looks as if stroked by a partially dry paintbrush. This bloom mysteriously disappeared shortly after I took this picture. I wonder if blue plants are sought-after vittles for critters since they are so rare?


Hibiscus time. I associate the hibiscus bloom as a sign of going back to school soon. Also, cicada shells. I saw one already.


IMG_2349Pineapple Express in Chelsea Market has fancy-looking vegan soft-serve concoctions that mostly involve pineapples. This is a delicious float: fresh-squeezed pineapple juice, La Croix, and vanilla coconut-based soft serve. Yum. As a seasonal vendor, they will be gone come September 30.


IMG_2344My storage unit, temporarily housing all my teacher stuff, has great Brooklyn views. It looks like an old Brooklyn though much of this skyline is relatively new.


IMG_2313 2I love making chocolate chip cookies. Even though I follow the same recipe, they come out slightly different every time.


DSC_0135Like a bird on a wire…


IMG_1173Three things cannot be long hidden–the sun, the moon, the truth. Β That is not me, that is my fortune cookie.


IMG_2025So you score a window seat on the train, eager to gaze through the window at a beautiful summer day. But a previous passenger’s face and hair grease make it look more like an impressionist painting.