What the World Needs Now…
March 31, 2020

is lots of ginger, onion and garlic. And turnip. And radish. Clean food. Low calorie, high nutritional content. Are you still eating garbage and complaining about how you look, how you feel, how weak your immune system is, how much you aren’t going to the bathroom, how much energy you don’t have? Well, pipe down and eat better!

And make a batch of it so you can eat well all week. Since I’m binging Stranger Things, I wanted the slow cooker to make my red lentil tamarind curry for me. It’s a great hands off way to pack a whole bunch of goodies… whatever might need using up in the pantry or crisper. But make deliberate choices. What you eat might be the most important thing you do to support your health. Not lifting weights, ya big lug with a terrible immune system.

Looking good… hours later. Just like you!

So bust open your pantry and see what magic you can create! Eating well helps other things be well… so take responsibility for this self-care! Need more inspo? A delicious delivery from the The Greek, the undisputed king of pantry cooking…

What have you been eating (or not been eating) in these wacky times? How are you tending to your physical health?