What the Shell?!
Photo Purge For the Road
August 12, 2019

Phew! I cleared out all my blog drafts. Just one of many ‘to do’s in advance of my trip. Now just a quick photo purge with just a smattering of words. Starting with some shelling at Fort Tilden in Queens.

Stuck between a rock…

I am hoping for better shelling in…

sunny FLA! This is my official map.

I had to get rid of the bunch of chocolate chip cookies. I dropped some at my parents’…

and shared a few with The Greek who likes to make fancy things like this ice cream scoop in espresso topped with said chocolate chip cookie…

…and this chickpea pasta with a tons of greens, artichoke, mushroom and a scoop of miso.

This will be me for the next few weeks, camera clad in nature.

with wacky hair doing whatever it wants…

And on the star front, star fruit, dragon fruit, and blueberries for the road. Star fruit! Eh?

And my star manicure and FLA pedicure. Now I am ready.

For The Road. My happy place.