Walking On, Walking On Broken Glass
Dead Horse Bay Beach, Brooklyn
May 14, 2020

Ah, the shores around old landfills! It’s like going to the beach and going antiquing simultaneously. And like going to the beach & exploring an abandoned hospital, or going to abandoned hangars or military forts (here and here), it’s Gateway Recreation Area–a guaranteed wonderful afternoon on so many levels. Today, a stroll on Dead Horse Bay Beach, a remote shore next to the Marine Parkway Bridge. Surprisingly it has not changed much since my last visit in 2015… it’s still oozing with remnants of its former life as a landfill.
And the short trail to the shore is even more beautiful then I remember… a lush and otherworldly biome that apparently made me feel a bit uneasy last time I wandered down.

But nowadays I’m more foolishly fearless… the scurrying birds let me know that my presence is the only disruptive action

Sight for sore eyes

The Marine Parkway Bridge

The old glass continues to meet the shore, along with the shoe heels

With a big blue Ikea bag, I scour the shoreline for special bottles

There were a few others around, including a woman smashing bottles to assuage her intense… anger. I know this because I asked her why she was breaking bottles. And after I managed to make her smile, I told her not to break any cool ones. It made me remember what single people can sometimes forget… the often raw and irrational by-product of emotional vulnerability. It can make you break bottles. Like one after another.

My bridge in the distance

Most beautiful is the waves lapping on all the glass
Some of my goodies. My bag was getting too heavy, so I made a second stash on this tray.

Glass photoshoot at home!

Loved reading all the markings on the bottles. Some people are into this kind of stuff. I will have to take more time to research the former lives of my bottles. Though these below are quite obvious.

So many said “Not to be refilled” Interesting info here. Apparently those are very old.


I loved the small glass jars. Perfumes or nail polishes or special elixirs.

White Rock! My parents used to buy this stuff.

Some made the cut to got in the hutch. Others will begin their new life in my craft room and my bathroom.

Thank you, Dead Horse Bay Beach. Despite all the vintage glass, this was my favorite score…