VeganMoFo #4: Rotten Tomatoes
October 4, 2009
Food shopping and cooking for one is a nuanced art. But I am learning.
As a kid I always accompanied my mom to the supermarket for weekly food shopping. With the dry erase etchings transferred to an old piece of junk mail, we set out with our game plan. The list was written in my mom’s characteristic cursive… the indistinguishable “n”s and “m”s, the loops like an uncoiled Slinky. Ah, how I tried to master it as a high school truant. Once at national chain supermarket, she’d be in aisle 1 and I was already tracking down things on list in aisle 15 (This is Long Island. Supermarkets are really big.) We bought for 6, my folks and the Z-rat pack of 4.
Now, in the dinky marts of East Williamsburg, I buy for 1, still fighting the habits instilled from the stockpiling of my youth. Alas, I often find myself with a collection of half-used produce which I eat grudgingly after focused interweb searches of recipes: sometimes exercises of efficiency more than taste. I hate throwing away food. So with time and tomatoes (and some zucchini) to kill, I roasted my stash with some olive oil, sea salt, ground pepper and milled garlic at 300 degrees for about an hour and a half. Boy, what a fantastic and simple roasted veg sandwich this made! Now what to do with that one ear of corn?