Vegan Victuals hits state 49!! Hello, Idaho
August 22, 2016

Leaving my campsite outside Yellowstone and getting on my way to Idaho, I had to head back south to see an old friend… the Tetons! I missed the sunrise lightshow by just a couple of minutes over at a popular viewpoint Oxbow Bend Turn-out back in Grand Teton National Park. It was still a nice shot… but not of the Grand Teton. I think this is Mount Moran.
Crossing into Idaho from Wyoming via Teton Pass, the mountains that continued through Idaho as I rode west on one of her scenic by-roads were kind of harshing my mellow. I was heading to a raw lunch destination in-between the haul so that had me within a drab brown welcome map-covered terrain with curves just sharp and frequent enough to have to be on continual high alert. Plus, a lot of obnoxious drivers who did not “Pass With Care,” as the sign suggests. They did get past with care either.
I stopped in for a quick tour of Craters of the Moon National Monument, a site that accepts my interagency parks pass. I’ll admit that coming from Yellowstone & Grand Teton, this landscape does not compare. It’s dark, post-apocalyptic and resembles a mess of asphalt. But it’s the aftermath of volcanoes from tens of thousands of years ago. And it’s a dynamic landscape, still stretching and building with more recent geological events. I guess it’s kinda cool.
From out of nowhere, the ramshackle seemingly abandoned old western towns and farm communities gave way to a series of yuppy recreational areas, including Ketchum. Ketchum is where I’d have my raw lunch. I couldn’t believe that there would be a raw eatery thousands of miles from the desolate highway I was on for hours. I love stops like that, like this stop to the all-vegan Glow Live Foods.
But I had to eat and run. The cashew cheese spread and tomato sammy with a vibrant side salad and the blueberry mint kombucha on tap was just what I needed. But a “grilled cheese” it is not.
I was real excited to get to Boise to try BBQ4Life, a long-time internet bookmark that I’ve watch grow to really embrace its vegan side. As you can see, they do not shy away from v-bombs.
Really nice to have options, plural. Go Boise!
I got the Vegaloaf after discussions with the really great server. The vegan potato salad inside the sandwich and the Hawaiian bread sealed the deal. The bread was spectacular–so much so that I bought a loaf from them. I’ll admit it was partly because I wanted to read the ingredients. The eggy yellow hue was suspicious to me. But there were no ingredients listed. I’m going to contact the local supplier to find out!
Such a delicious sammy. I was really impressed with this place! I will file it under “wish to airlift.”
They even had vegan desserts! The is a double chocolate bread pudding.
It was time for another highly anticipated vegan stop in Idaho. I am going to say again that there are wonderful things happening in the vegan donut arena–all over the country. Guru Donuts is yet another perfect vegan donut maker.
Clearly labeled, inventive vegan options are so appreciated, as opposed to just chocolate or vanilla. And more great, friendly service. Boise folks are swell, especially if they’re pedaling delicious vegan donuts.
My stash.
Thanks for the vegan eats, Idaho. Now there is only one state left…