Vegan Victuals Goes to Spain πͺπΈ
On the Coast in Sitges
August 23, 2022

So there I was driving along Spain’s easy highway system, listening to my GPS and, at this point, completely comfortable driving and singing along enthusiastically with one of the many overplayed playlists I have on Spotify, when I reached a collection of toll booths before my destination of Sitges.
A toll?! Why didn’t I think this might have happened? There looked to be several types of toll booths all making designations by way of some unfamiliar image I could not comprehend. After a moment of panic I pulled up to one fearing I may have to back up or flag down a motorist to ask for translation. But alas the unfamiliar image was that of a credit card, which I could easily scan and pay the 7.25 euro. Phew! I am adding this here to just show how easy things are in Spain if you have a credit card.
Anyway, I initially planned on hitting an abandoned site in Sitges, but I knew as soon as I pulled up that there was no way the site had not been redeveloped. You see Sitges was pumping, a thriving coastal town that is a very popular tourist attraction. And I would be correct. From my vantage point above a hill, I saw the site, an abandoned water park, had been repurposed. There was nothing left to do than find a bathroom and hey, maybe check out the Mediterranean Sea. So I drove towards the water, like everyone else.
The Mediterranean was absolutely gorgeous. I felt like a schnug not getting into it, but I didn’t. I knew I would encounter it again later in my trip, but looking at these shots, it is absurd I did not cool off in it!

There were pumping streets behind the shore which I now discover is a big LGBT destination. So that speaks to the availability of really good food and amenities.

Look at that water!

Me & the Mediterranean!

On the vegan food front, I just happened upon this market that sold vegan grocery items. Nothing I wanted to eat right away, but still an interesting find.