Vegan Mofo #25: Pretending I Like Pizza
October 29, 2008

My class of 4th graders remind me how deep pizza passion can run in children. One student writes creative fiction about Pizza Guy, a pizza delivery guy whose is shaped like a pizza, others scream and reverberate to the chant of “pizza! pizza!” at the mere mention of it. Personally,Β I’ve never been big on it. From an early age I was creeped out by the orange oil dripping from the triangle slice’s point. I remember chewing on wads of mozzarella for seemingly hours wondering why it wouldn’t get smaller. I enjoyed the crust and the sauce… the budding vegan.
But I’m not big on vegan pizza either. Occasionally I’ll forget how finicky I am. I’ll buy a slice and remember quickly: “Oh yeah, thin wet crust is not the best vehicle for the pounds of wet vegetables that usually make up a vegan slice.” Then I won’t have pizza for a long time, save for the occasional Amy’s roasted vegetable pizza which I love. But heading up Broadway to class, my belly is in charge. She’s forgetful, irrational and sometimes cruel. She makes me do things, like pay $6.45 for a pile of pizza.