Vegan Mofo #20: Sweet Avenue Bake Shop
October 21, 2008

It’s my birthday today and I want vegan cupcakes! Having the foresight that this would be the case, I rented a car to deliver me, finally, to Sweet Avenue Bake Shop, Rutherford, New Jersey’s vegan cupcakery. The place has been on my radar for quite some time now, in electronic form, sitting patiently in my “favorites” folder. It was time to see what the voted best cupcakes in Bergen County, NJ taste like.
Wok Man and I each selected two cupcakes from the display case. They looked fake, like cupcakes you see in a dream or in Lisa Frank stickers. I chose the Rocky Raccoon, a marshmallow-filled chocolate cakester, and the chocolate sundae cupcake with a cherry on top (sitting pretty below).
Realizing I hadn’t tasted the vanilla cake, I ordered a THIRD cupcake. The Snowball, a vanilla cake with vanilla coconut icing, turned out to be my favorite one! Wok Man took several awkward pictures of me enjoying its fluffy goodness, the least awkward of which is below. Note the adorable pink decor and display case, the vegan bakery must-haves.
Sweet Avenue cupcakes are indeed a treat. My only qualm would be the icing to cake ratio. We wound up knocking of the big heads of icing from our cakes and enjoying them even more. I brought the icing home to spread on my own cakes… is that weird? Although I am not big on the big icing, it really adds to the cupcakes’ beauty. Here is my icing stash: