Vegan Mofo #17: West Side
October 17, 2008

Riding the crosstown bus from “Yorktown” to “Morningside Heights” in Upper Manhattan is a pain in the rump, mostly because my arrival at the bus stop coincides with the release of the high school herds from the school across the street. For a gal who rarely goes above 14th street, the long days uptown are wearing me down. Now, my twice weekly battle to the west side has officially been upped to thrice weekly. Β The reason is Columbia’s Greenmarket. Β Had I realized that this was set up on Thursdays prior to registering for classes this current semester, I would have overhauled my class load for the ease of weekly shopping! But after finally designating an account code for farmers markets in my budget, today marked my maiden visit as a shopper (and not a creepy voyeur copping feels of produce and smelling herbs like Kirby smelled Andie MacDowell’s pillow in St. Elmo’s Fire). Ok, the pictures.
Others may squeal with delight for reasons having nothing to do with purple peppers. I, on the other hand, am fascinated to hell with these flavonoid-ious royal peppers.
More color: red potatoes, blue potatoes and yellow onions

I bought these two darling mini-pies (strawberry-rhubarb and apple) from Meredith’s Bread, representing Kingston.