Vegan Marshmallows Now $2.99 Indefinitely!
May 14, 2016

Trader Joe’s now has vegan marshmallows. That’s how Trader Joe do. They buy formulas and sell ’em under their brand. So it’s important to understand that these marshmallows are really… Dandies. The deal is helping spread vegan joy through Trader Joe’s massive distribution.
Now that they are so cheap, I’m going to find more uses for marshmallows! My first, chocolate chip cookies stuffed with marshmallow. It’s an easy addition to your favorite cookie recipe: just engulf the dough around the marshmallow and bake as usual.
Then, if you want, you can put them on fancy plates.
Marshmallow explosion!
Ok, it’s important to note that when I want a sweet treat, The Electrician drives 40 minutes to get Sweet & Sara‘s. So having these Trader Joe’s less than 3 minutes away is a lot easier when a craving strikes. But since I had Sweet & Sara‘s in the fridge, I asked The Electrician to do a blind taste test with one of hers and the Trader Joe’s/Dandies. The winner was Sweet & Sara.