Vegan Florida Eats 
Winter Park Biscuit Co., Orlando
March 30, 2021

Sometimes you just fall in love with a sandwich over Instagram. Ok, sometimes I do. And I just can’t deal with a long distance relationship. So I knew I’d be getting myself to Winter Park Biscuit Company next time I was in Florida.

I am pleased to say that the sandwich was well worth my ardor. And then I dreamt of it the remainder of the trip… Things to know: Winter Park Biscuit Company uses a soy and pea protein base for their vegan chik’, meaning it isn’t housemade. Ok, ok. That crag has me overlooking that. That crunch. I might even be satisfied if it was totally hollow! The shiny brioche bun sent me over the moon. Add the standard creamy mayo, pickles and lettuce and Boom. But you just need to look and see:

Salivating looking at these pictures…

Vegan fried chicken sandwiches are my absolute favorite. I have a big list of ones to try all across the United States, so watch out!

The chik’ in between one of their biscuits.

Thanks for the love, Orlando. You’re turning into a vegan force and I’ll be back soon!