Vegan Cadbury Creme Eggs ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฃ

I promise I wonโ€™t go on and on about how I used to love these when I was a kid, and blah blah blah. Just understand that I do not embark upon such involved recipes for any other reason. But these nostalgic treats are one Iโ€™ve wanted to try for many, many years. With plenty of time inside and Easter nearby, it was finally time. Vegan Cadbury Creme Eggs.

{Adapted from Hell, Yeah Itโ€™s Veganโ€˜s recipe}

  • 3/4 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup Earth Balance
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 5 1/2 cup powdered sugar
  • orange food coloring

  • 12 oz of vegan chocolate (I used a combination of chocolates I hadโ€“chips, bars, etc)
  • 2 tsp shortening
  • parchment paper
  • egg-shaped mold (I used these molds below)

In a medium bowl, cream together corn syrup, butter and vanilla with a handheld mixer.

In intervals, beat in powdered sugar until smooth. It will be thick. I had white icing color from when I made galaxy meringues, so I put some in this mixtureโ€ฆ so I could have a nice contrast with the โ€œyolk.โ€

Put about a third of the mixture in a small bowl. Add a few drops of the food coloring and continue to beat with hand mixer. Repeat until the shade you want is achieved and mixture is smooth again.

Tightly cover both of the bowls and refrigerate for an hour.

Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper. And clear space in the freezer to fit said cookie sheets.

Form small โ€œyolkโ€ balls out of the orange fondant mixture and place on a cookie sheet. Place the cookie sheet in freezer.

Form white fondant into balls and then flatten into discs. Try to make as many whit discs as you have yolks, making them bigger if there is extra. Let them sit on the second cookie sheet. If theyโ€™re loose, get them into the freezer. If they are still firm, continue to below.

Place one white disc in the palm of your hand, place a yolk into the center of the disc and fold white around it. Shape gently into the desired shape, using your mold as a guide. Place them all on cookie sheet and put them in the freezer while you temper the chocolate.

In a double boiler, slowly melt chocolate and shortening, stirring until completely smooth.

Remove the fondant eggs from the freezer and set up your station. Put molds onto a cookie sheet for easy moving.

Spoon about one Tablespoon of chocolate into the center of one of the eggs in mold.

Push fondant gently into the mold so chocolate coats the sides and fondant moves closer to curve of the front. Then spoon more chocolate on top to cover completely.

Place coated balls in refrigerator to harden fully and carefully remove from mold.

If you have any chocolate left, re-temper and make them look fancy on the outside. I let them set overnight because I was tired. After, trim the sides. Perhaps I should have scraped the back of the mold with a cake scraper while still wet. Yeah, that would have been best.

Commence photoshoot! What on Earth should I veganize next? I am running out of childhood favorites!

Happy Easter? Yes, Happy Easter!

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