V.V. Nostalgic Classic
Vegan Charleston Chew, Attempt 1 π«
September 25, 2020

The next V.V. Nostalgic Classic would be the Charleston Chew, a childhood favorite deep-seeded in my memory–like all of my V.V. Nostalgic Classics (new tag!) Like those other treats, the texture and taste has remained vivid for decades. But more importantly, the associations and related details also pour back. I remember running on the concrete from my local public pool to the concession stand to buy a vanilla frozen Charleston Chew despite the imminent risk of stubbing my toe… the brash calls of the ice cream man… the soft warm chocolate around the mass of vanilla nougat, a favorite confection as 3 Musketeers were my second favorite candy bar. I didn’t know what nougat was, but I knew its forms–covered in chocolate and within colorful wrappers. This vegan version has long been in the back of my mind. But this first attempt would not be a success, though still quite photogenic.
I started with my marshmallow recipe, but let the candy mixture cook to 250, a bit higher than marshmallow. But it would not be the right stage in the end as it was a nice firm marshmallow in the end–not nougat.

Piped vanilla wonder

After they set, I trimmed them a bit.

Clearly my chocolate game is not that strong

Hmm, think I need some molds for next time

Not Charleston Chew, but still delicious

For next time: molds, temper chocolate, cook candy to 266/hard ball (test candy thermometer temperature accuracy)… stay tuned! I got the candy bar mold on my birthday list π