Twas the Night Before the Farmhouse…
April 16, 2009

This recipe won the blue ribbon at the Iowa State Fair. And the recipe is totally vegan. How do ya like them corn husks?! I bookmarked it for a rainy day even though I adored the cornbread recipe from the VegNew recipe club I blogged about here. Having to prepare for a rustic weekend at a farmhouse in the Berkshires, I decided to give it a whirl. Allison, one of the fearless 15 spending this weekend with me in the woods, is whipping up a big batch of vegan chili for the occassion. So cornbread was a decidedly a necessity.
I made a couple of minor tweaks to the recipe by adding 1/4 cup of diced red peppers and 1/4 cup of chopped green onion to the batter. Amazing! I’ll see how the group likes it…
I’m also on Saturday morning breakfast duty. So that means my famous whole wheat pancakes+ are in order! (+ meaning with generous Millers Bran and ground flax) Let’s hope there’s no line at the outhouse.
Other weekend munchies:
Goodbye blog, electricity and running water.
I’ve gone into the woods.