Triflin’ Murica
July 4, 2019

I made the United States of America a marshmallow meringue, chocolate cake and berry trifle for her birthday.
I used the baffling Driscoll berries because they were the only berries available. I’m going to write about this ubiquitous brand of berries, creators of big, red plump berries that taste like… nothing. Maybe that’s very American?

I’d make a sheet cake to cut into two to layer in my small pyrex pan.

Ah, chocolate cake. Simple perfection… that I will complicate.

Apparently my kitchen floor is not level.

I was going to sprinkle berries in-between my two layers, so I’d have to know what would be leftover after my flag. So I traced the pyrex pan and began making my flag.

Oh course, my magnificent marshmallow fluff, a favorite thing.

I had some space to fill, so I made a lemon wafer cookie flag pole!

Layer one

Ready for patriotism.

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Love the layers…

Happy Fourth of July! πΒ