These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things: Stephen Powers Art
July 12, 2019

I’m a huge fan of Brooklyn artist Stephen Powers. His bright and colorful street art is so full of heart, so full of humanness. It is child-like yet potent with insight; the best of youth with the best of age. And since his art has joined the list of things I hunt for when I travel it is official, his art is one of my favorite things.
Below his mural on the wall of P.S. 11 in Brooklyn, which I discovered on my walk from my summer school gig. First I was confused by all the credited names, thinking I might have misidentified his work. As the theme of the piece became clear, I realized the credits were excerpts from writers.

Words, words, words. As soon as the school year starts, I am going to try to set up a field trip to his art space on 4th Avenue. My students do not get an art class period and that is just not okay with me. I have decided that I will be integrating art in my classroom myself.

His work is about the Brooklyn Art Museum in the form of upcycled street signs. I missed his exhibition in the museum a few years back, as I also missed his wall art at the Coney Island Art Walls.

Because I was nearby, I actually went into his art space, partially to seek shelter from the rain. But mostly because I have been meaning to for quite some time… but I was hesitant. I wasn’t really sure what the function of the space was. But after much love for his work had developed, I was happy to see him in his art space. And though I am very interested in having some of his work in my home, it is just not in the budget. Instead, stickers! (and a tote)

My other posts about Steve Powers: