The Sauce.
November 8, 2013

Whenever I am heating up a sauce, I pour way more than enough into the pot. Because I slurp it by the spoonful at each degree it rises. I love sauce. And that’s what this collection of food pictures have in common. Sauce.
What a delightful surprise to come home after a long week of work to a blob of fresh pizza dough, a slew of prepped toppings and a preheating pizza stone!
What’s great about making fresh pizza at home is that there are many easy arguments to have several personal pizzas. First, you have to use all the dough…. and the sauce.. then there are the different topping combinations you just have to experiment with.
More Long Island Italians, we recently hit Farmingdale’s 3 BrothersΒ and were gifted a sample bruschetta along with very nostalgic garlic knots. Oh, bread. The staff of life.
More sauce to double-dip with close friends and Daiya in one of its only acceptable forms–inside 3 Brothers’ mozzarella sticks.
We went nuts with an all-vegan menu.
Next up, some tempeh meatballs I whipped up. They were a little underdone in the end but who cares, they were to be covered in sauce!
Look at that sauce. My goodness, I didn’t even need the meatballs. Bread and sauce is just fine with me.