The Red & The Green
December 22, 2014

Sometimes the green skin of a vegetable dumpling is comforting. It says, “there’s definitely not pork in here.” And the bamboo server says, “I’m a superior dumpling.”Β
SunSpire is the maker of this delicious bar, a long time no need to pack it in the grocery bag favorite. And I don’t think I ever mentioned this in my blog. It’s like a Mounds bar, which I used to love. Just make sure to get the one in the red package.
The red house is all dressed up for the holiday season.
Then it was time to top the Volvo with the Balsam Fir.Β
Frank is always excited when the tree comes. He loves the smells, the texture-y rubs, and the new water dish.
The outside kitties stay warm in their makeshift nest, the wintered pea bush.Β