The Northern Lights In New York!
July 13, 2023

With news that the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute was predicting the Northern Lights could be visible in New York, we set out for a night shoot facing the predicted view line. And somehow, some way, I got to see the Northern Lights for a second time in my life.

The International Space Station and the Milky Way, facing East.

A plane and the purple hue of the Aurora Borealis. Those clouds would be a pain and eventually overtake the sky.

On the shore now… we were trying to escape the influx of cars to the area. This is my favorite shot.

Shooting star and Northern Lights… Hashtag blessed. Oh, also a ton of fire flies on the right.

Here come the clouds…

And we headed out, already full of satisfaction…
Apparently we are entering an active solar phase so there may be other opportunities to see the Northern Lights in New York soon. Though of course this is exciting, I know the variables have nothing to do with my wishes and remain awed and humble I have captured so much wonder up there since I began dabbling in astrophotography.