The NJ / PA Border
July 29, 2016

It is amazing to me how quickly you can discover rural charm outside of the bustling New York City area. It takes about two hours. Those are sloooow, traffic-stricken hours… at any hour. But it’s worth it.
Lambertville, New Jersey, which sits on the Delaware River on the state border, is a charming little town. You know the kind–25 MPH speed limit, colorful, maintained row houses, a rainbow flag here and yoga studio there speaking for the town’s values. Its ma and pop‘s eateries have vegan options (next time) and its Golden Nugget Antiques Flea Market is an institution.
The flea market is open 3 times a week, bringing a slew of gypsies and vagabounds. I stopped by hoping to find kooky stuff for my classroom. I left empty-handed after a couple of hours of browsing.
Cross a small bridge and you’re in New Hope, Pennsylvania, another charming town with lots going for it. The streets were bustling with patrons window-shopping, drinking complicated coffee concoctions, and taking in the sights. This is the home to the always-delicious Sprig & Vine, who beat the heavier, unknown vegan lunch options back in New Jersey. Sometimes even this intrepid vegan blogger sticks to what she knows.
I had a small plate of scrambled tofu soft tacos. They were absolutely perfect. Every bite.
The local Sole kombucha was also just what I needed after sorting through antiques in the blazing sun.
Next, I headed back towards New York by way of Trenton. Trenton is the home of Grounds For Sculpture, an outstanding sculpture garden that is my new favorite place in New Jersey. After being cooped up at home sick, there was nothing more invigorating than spending an afternoon amongst towering pieces of art inside lush nature.
I was excited to see the American Gothic couple. I wondered if this same work was what I saw being transported in Florida in 2008.