That’s What I Do: I Eat and I To-Do Things
August 2, 2018

Ok, ok–that wasn’t a very clever post title. But I have recently started watching Game of Thrones all over again in slow anticipation of Spring 2019’s release of the final season. And besides that, it is true; it is what I do: eat and take care of business. In celebration of eating and my endlessly growing to-do list, some foods and some places where I did things.
Catching up with a friend is much more conducive inside 80’s metal, bean bags being thrown, and fried veggie dogs with lots of flavorful additions. Luckily Lock Yard has all of these things and it’s just a short walk from my place. Social interaction: ✓
I don’t like things sitting in my wallet forever. So I headed to Downtown Brooklyn to use up a gift card and hand in a fully-punched rewards card at Ovenly! A free and delicious salted chocolate chip cookies, arguably thee best vegan chocolate chip cookie ev-a. Lighter Wallet, But in a Good Way: ✓
Arriving early to my teacher p.d., I got to admire the new-ish World Trade Center building piercing the sky and the Oculus–a fancy mall I had to visit three times for its Apple Store to take care of business. It is great to see the area thriving. I tried to keep this in mind when side-stepping the ton of tourists who don’t know the walking rules in New York. Teacher professional development and Mac solutions: ✓
The National September 11 Memorial‘s reflecting pools are quite beautiful. The names of the 2,977 people who lost their lives on 9/11, both in New York and in Shanksville, PA, as well as during the 1993 bombing at the World Trade Center. I like the contrast of the still and flowing water.
This wacky goose was all up in my business as I ate my lunch under a tree during a break at the algebra institute. Though my lunch was nothing to really write blog about, serving more to turnover some items in my cupboard, this goose and his family stood close by drooling. I am going to read into the fact that plenty other park goers, including my teacher colleagues, had big sandwiches with all sorts of things falling out of them. But still, I get all the goose attention. Cupboard turnover (like the wallet) and communion with geese: ✓
Waiting in a skyscraper while Computer Overhauls assesses the value of my deceased MacBook Air, I got to enjoy this view of the intense cloud action. [For those who care, Apple offered nothing for it beyond the option of recycling properly. Computer Overhauls gave me a nice chunk of cash for it despite its battery being dead.] A stormy sky can be more exciting to photograph than a blue sky. Cash rules everything around me (C.R.E.A.M. and clouds): ✓
In the vein of giving yourself a gift everyday, I splurged on a fairly decadent sandwich from Orchard Grocer on the Lower East Side for a job well-done. But I forgot that I like to take pictures of this sandwich more than I like the flavors of the classic Reuben. This one has beet-brined seitan, Chao cheese and sauerkraut. Lunch gluttony: ✓
I came, I did, I ate. Now I go home to rest.