Ten Things To Do Instead of Shopping:
#3. Go Back In Time

I must admit that one of my favorite perks of being a New York City teacher is the free class trips to my fave museum, the American Museum of Natural History. It’s a long trek but always worth it… for me at least.

The destination was the new exhibit on the Tyrannosaurus Rex. A fierce mega-predator, this exhibit captures its evolution from harmless little hatchling to the towering beast of bones. How on Earth could this thing be real and walking about?! Apparently it took a span of 100 million years.

The exhibit had great shadow play.

This guy looks he’s excitedly catching up with someone.

Kids and dinosaurs go together like peanut butter and jelly.

The only T. Rex song I know.

No visit to the museum would be complete for me without a trip to the Ocean Hall. But I was so bummed the lower level was closed for some event. There would be no laying under the blue whale this time.

Museums in New York City in the winter are something I don’t take for granted. Holiday tie-in? Uh, this holiday season… go back in time. Because you can’t go to the future. And the present isn’t preserved yet to draw meaning from.