
Tag: vanilla

Mountain Time

Welcome to state #4 of the wandering Ford Focus mission: Colorado! After a long ride on the empty, desolate interstate north of Santa Fe, the highway expanded to three times its former width and a slew of drivers crowded the road to one of the country’s most rapidly growing boomcities… Read more…

World Cup…cakes

I kind of caught World Cup fever. It was hard not to with television, newspapers, chalkboard signs at bars and men at the bagel store hyping the rivalries and sensationalizing the sensation. Heck, even the supermarket was prepared with soccer cupcake liners! They were the last piece of a cupcake Read more…

Happy Mothers Day

I am the Budgie Baby a parakeet in the kitchen You’re my eyebrows my need wipe down the table since the sponge is already wet He met you at a church dance I met you after 3 before barely making a peep I know the world of why in the Read more…

Full Moon Fever/Too Lazy to Write or Link Anything

Vegan vanilla sheet cake at Whole Foods. My cheddar Daiya ziti with tofu-ricotta dollops Shredded beet and parsnip salad with pineapple vinagarette (a la Veganomicon)

Talking through the oven.

Luckily many are fluent in this language.

Streets of Philadelphia…

Enjoying a week off for winter recess, it was time to escape, however briefly, to new east coast vegan options. Philadelphia recently opened its first all vegan, all gluten-free bakery! And with the city being just a short ride away, CP and I made a day trip especially for Sweet Read more…

Hello, February.

2010 is moving pretty fast. With January tucked under its belt and vibrant floral dresses already in the shop windows, soon it’ll be time for Spring. Spring which seems an impossibility to my numb toes. Spring, the short stop before Summer which finds Fall too soon. And then ’11. But Read more…

Z is for Zebra Cake

I don’t often bake whole cakes. My oven is situated right smack dab in the middle of the dramatic slope of my kitchen floor and my cakes come out of the oven slanted and enchanted, taking a heavy blow to presentation. But in light of fellow blogstress and dear friend Read more…

White Trash Dinner Party: The Food

Me and my vegan Twinkies… and stained spouse-sweeper, Confederate-inspired belt buckle and undersized jeans. Plenty of cheap beer was a necessity. Here is an extra large “Danish Lager Beer” Southern fried tofu from FoodSparrow with a veganaise aioli. CandyPenny chomping on my Red Lobster bun Tator tots and smart dog Read more…

Cupcakes. Happy. Birthdays.

Happy 3rd Blog Birthday To Me!

May 24 marks my 3rd year as a blogger! Yippee! It is so amazing to look back through my archives and see so many transformations, to see my thoughts and writing keeping up with the beat of my steps in this world. To celebrate this, and a good friend’s birthday Read more…

Let Them (And Me, Mom and Dog) Eat Cake

I used to work a few blocks away from ‘Snice, Manhattan’s awesome veg sandwich shop, and have frequented it many times. Yet through all the work lunches and meet-ups, I have stayed monogamous to their Vegan Panini. It is just perfect: a warm, toasted, roof-of-the-mouth-scraping flatbread smeared with green pesto Read more…

Pure Food and, Karen- Stop Whining

Celebrating a very special period in my life, I was treated to a triple-digit all-raw dinner at Pure Food & Wine. Being perpetually broke and an avid thrifter, I am normally critical of such lofty expenditures, even food expenditures. Despite the hefty crew of NYC happy hour socialites toasting pitchers Read more…

Play It By… Tongue

Trader Joes’ Joe-Joe’s cookies are perfect for balancing the tastebuds after a meal. A quick 2-bite dessert of non-hydrogenated, sweet vanilla bean speckled yum. But as a singleton who delves not into sugar excessiveness, a box can last for ages. My clear-the-cupboard countdown was closely coming to an end (alliteration Read more…