
Tag: toad style

The Beauty of Illogic

Why do we praise what is logical and reasonable?  When have these things ignited your heart and imagination?  Stepping into this elementary school library in Bushwick, Brooklyn, I was struck by the the questions posed by its students all about the walls.  Within each, Hope–in the form of curiosity, innocence, Read more…

(Queens, Brooklyn & The) Bronx

From a half breakfast in Ridgewood, Queens to a half breakfast in Bed-Sty, Brooklyn (a mile away from each other), we headed to Port Morris, Bronx for The Bronx Brewery Tasting Room… but also to stalk Sol Cacao and their chocolate tasting room soon to be opening nearby. Breakfast halfsies: The Read more…

Finally: A Champion is Crowned / The Preview of the Next Burger Battle

Here we are. The long overdue conclusion of my first New York City Vegan Victuals Burger Battle! After 16 burgers, a champion has emerged. And it’s Brooklyn’s Toad Style! With a commitment to housemade excellence, Toad Style sets a high standard for all those who hope to create a top-notch vegan burger. Read more…

V.V. Burger Showdown Semi-Finals Match 4: The making of ​Mmmmm.
[Toad Style vs. Cafe Ghia]

Match #4 of the V.V. Burger Showdown Semi-Finals: Brooklyn Born. Toad Style vs. Cafe Ghia We are nearing the end. With a new summer brings another new burger battle. There is no rest for the vegan eats these days. But before a new beginning, an end. Each burger in this battle has made Read more…

V.V. Burger Showdown Semi-Finals Match 3: NYC’s Dichotomy ​[Toad Style vs. Candle Cafe]

Match #3 of the V.V. Burger Showdown Semi-Finals: Class Warfare. Toad Style vs. Candle Cafe In this third semifinal battle of burger supremacy we witness the clash of New York City’s dichotomous nature. The upper crusty Upper East Side faces Bedford-Stuyvesant, a Brooklyn neighborhood with a mythic claim on class division. But alas, Read more…

V.V. Burger Showdown Semi-Finals Match 2: A Fall From Grace ​[By Chloe vs. Chickpea & Olive]

Match #2 of the V.V. Burger Showdown Semi-Finals: A Fall From Grace. By Chloe vs. Chickpea & Olive Ok, I’m back in the burger battle again! We’re at the 2nd of the Semi-Finals of the V.V. New York City Burger Showdown!  I know I said this before… But it’s been awhile: what’s great about this Read more…

V.V. Burger Showdown: Match 2: Gentrification Burgers
[Toad Style vs. Champs Family Diner]

The Burger Showdown continues with the first Brooklyn showdown: Toad Style vs. Champs Family Diner Just when my burger brackets were set, along comes Toad Style‘s all-vegan menu, batting its housemade cheese and sage butter and lime aioli. Those kinds of words indicate an eatery who not only make but love food. Throw Read more…