
Tag: shelling

Blessed are the Intrepid, Day 7:
Shells and Stars in Sanibel

Real quick: I photographed the gosh darned Milky Way 🌌 last night. I needed to say that first as it would not have happened if the earlier parts of the day played out differently. So the 2-hour traffic delay on the I-75, the extended shelling expedition at Bowman’s Beach, losing track Read more…

Blessed are the Intrepid, Day 6:
Florida, Finally

Blog back-up makes me uneasy.Β  Each day is a million adventures, so just two days ago is a million miles away.Β  But Day 6, yes.Β  Speaking to what I took pictures of is a helpful system, but it doesn’t indicate a lot of the important feelings I am having on Read more…

What the Shell?!
Photo Purge For the Road

Phew! I cleared out all my blog drafts. Just one of many ‘to do’s in advance of my trip. Now just a quick photo purge with just a smattering of words. Starting with some shelling at Fort Tilden in Queens. Stuck between a rock… I am hoping for better shelling Read more…

πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ Mermaid Season Continues: Sells Seashells By the Seashore {2019}

This weekend I became a proper mermaid costume entrepreneur. Setting up a table on Coney Island’s boardwalk which, next week, will be inundated with mermaids and the crowds they bring, I got to pick the brain of interested parties, and others, as they strolled about on a gorgeous afternoon in Read more…

πŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ Mermaid Season Continues: Shellin’ {2019}

In the quest of shell turnover, more mermaid crafts! My goal is to use all that I have to make way for some serious shelling this summer. This top used a ton of my roly poly seashells, the main haul from the last trip to Sandy Hook. Prep for a Read more…