
Tag: seitan is my motor

Vegan Japanese Milk Bread 🍞
Vegan Shokupan 食品パン

Because it was a better value, I bought a large quantity of active dry yeast. I don’t want it to expire without a few great dough endeavors! After I gave cinnamon rolls another try, it was time to experiment again and expand my baking skills. When I saw this Milk Read more…

An Idiot’s Guide to Making Vegan Marshmallows

(It’s a marshmallow world in the winter.) I am the smartest idiot I know.  In fact, a lot of my smart parts efficiently glean wisdom from my idiocy.  It’s like a regenerating pool of experience and folly, raw material for unlimited life lessons.  In the embrace of the idiot side Read more…

Vegan Tiramisu

I have made vegan versions of dessert classics before, but there was always something that daunted me about attempting the well-known Italian cake Tiramisu. There is the multiple layers and components, all of which needed accurate veganization. And given all that alteration it’d still need to be, in fact, Tiramisu. Read more…