
Tag: raspberry

Cinnamon Snail at the Pennsy

I’m near Penn Station every so often. And now Cinnamon Snail has a home there: The Pennsy! The Pennsy is a high-end food court attached to Penn Station / Madison Square Garden. It was pretty slow at my arrival during peak rush hours… except for Cinnamon Snail.  I asked the Read more…

Boozy Bootleg Brunch Buffet:
A Vegan Victuals Meal Photospread

  Whiskey Maple Syrup goes back in the bottle for serving. (recipe credit) Macerated blueberry, blackberry & raspberry with Brandy & Grand Marnier  Coconut whip Charred Eggplant Bacon (marinade recipe credit) Orange Brandy Marmalade with ginger bits Sweet Potato Beer Biscuits Coconut rum-soaked French Toast  Some appetizers: Pride Enjoy Rainbow cookies, Mission Read more…

V.V. Burger Showdown: Match 1: Everybody Wants Some [Superiority Burger vs. By Chloe]

Ok, so I hadn’t realized I reported on so many of NYC’s veggie burgers until I counted them on my blog: 40 burgers! But times have changed since 2010 when I set out on a mission to find the best one (reporting briefly on 36 of them), then vaguely declared as Read more…

On V.V. Summer Assignment, Day 3: O.H./K.Y./T.N.

I woke up in Cincinnati ready to say goodbye to Ohio. Ohio is chock full of metropolises… Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, and other such C-words. But with this being my third day about, the inevitable turn back east had to be soon. So it was fare thee well, Ohio… But not Read more…

My Breakfast and Lunch, and Why I Don’t Like New Music

I’m thinking of the piano chords to Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens. They’re kind of thundering, like a definitive decision, like a confident first step of something. I love how that song makes me feel. What is so delightful about music is that you get to pick and choose the emotion you Read more…

Berry Birthday Parfait

Hello, beautiful berries. So here is part 1 of what I did to the Hummingbird cake: I made my sister’s birthday parfaits out of it! There’s nothing coconut whip and berries can’t make better. Yeah, that’ll do.  And the second birthday treat: Heathers the Musical. How very.

Humane Education / Humane Eats [Day 2 & 3]

Days are jam-packed with learning. Luckily I am fed well. Here are the last couple of days’ eats, taken with my crappy camera phone. Mushroon no-quessadillas with nooch cheese sauce. Homemade chocolate ice cream Black bean and corn salad and pico de gallo Root veggie sweet potato Shepherd’s Pie, salad Read more…

Vegan Long Island Roaming

In a gesture of goodbye towards my old home of Brooklyn, I now have a brand new car! Embracing suburban life here on Long Island is a bit difficult without one… but more than that, I love to drive. Though it’s been less than a week with wheels, I have Read more…

Live Free Or Die. (Vegan New Hampshire, Day 2)

I love New England. This I knew but had forgotten. As the hours of watching the scenery went by, I remembered. Here are some food highlights from our Day 2 in New Hampshire. Spoon Revolution is Concord, New Hampshire’s only all-vegan eatery. They offer a small seasonal menu of all-vegan, Read more…

Dirty South Vegan (Atlanta, Day 2)

After sleeping in, I was ready for breakfast at Ria’s Bluebird, a bustling all-day breakfast spot in downtown Atlanta’s Grant Park. I meant to get there sooner but my pitch-black hotel room fooled me into sleeping in past 7 a.m… Gasp! [me = early birdy] The place was packed with Read more…

Dirty South Vegan (Atlanta, Day 1)

With time on my side, I set off on a culinary exploration of Atlanta, Georgia. After all,  spring break was here! I was excited to escape New York… and to add another state to my veganvictuals headboard of sensual vegan eats. And Atlanta has so much to offer! I was pleasantly Read more…

Vegan New England, Part 4: The Red Lentil

Wait. What? Do you see that? The billboard right outside of our cheap motel in Foxboro, Massachusetts. “Go Vegan!” Well, what do you know. This billboard, part of Peta‘s “Be Healthy. Be Happy. Be Vegan.” campaign was a nice siting. Nicer than the true but kinda offensive Save the Whales Read more…

Jazz Age Lawn Party on Governors Island / VeganMoFo #5: Karen Zucchini Muffins

/ I often feel I was born in the wrong era. Though I have taken to the 00’s I suppose, I pine for old time aesthetics. I love the smack of a type writer, tintype photography, cloche hats, Ada Jones. From the satisfying scratch of a phonograph, to the grainy Read more…