
Tag: NYC Ferry

Some Vegan Eats in the Rockaways

With some mermaid shoots on the beach, I supplemented a visit to the Rockaways with a few vegan options. But first, the subway… …then the ferry. Hello, Verrazzano Blue skies were perfect Passing another happy place, the ferry is supposed to begin stopping at Coney Island soon… from Bay Ridge. Read more…

Welcoming Spring {Pictorial}

It’s that time of the year again. Spring fever. What beauty have you discovered leaving your den? Art Deco break in Bay Ridge At the Skyline Drive-in, Greenpoint Flowering trees πŸ’“ On the ferry Ready for star shoots

End of Spring Photo Purge

Time is divided in pictures, like blondies. A 90’s day, I binged grunge documentaries and made a tofu scramble Hello, berry season Waiting for a mermaid on South Beach, Staten Island Tried these Kite Hill tortellini. Good flavor and texture… If you need to use up a lot of apples, Read more…

Ferry Views

Before I head out of town, some shots of my ride down the East River. The best way to travel home from Queens, NYC Ferry gives you the best views for less than $3. Starting at Long Island City’s restored Pepsi sign and ever-growing skyline of high rises… to across Read more…

More Water Appreciation,
New York City Waterways

First: Coffee, then Kayak. What am I saying, I have been in a kayak exactly twice in my life, including this time. πŸ˜‚ And just like the first time, I barely contributed anything to the rowing process. Water: I just enjoy being around it, within in, on top of it–any Read more…

NYC Island Hopping:
Abandoned Governors Island

With its service recently reinstated, I booked a ferry reservation some weeks back hoping to explore Governors Island‘s historical district with ease on my bike. So across the Buttermilk Channel I go, excited to conquer its 172 acres. In it: abandoned buildings (though the best are off limits), a couple Read more…

Scenes from a Quarantine, Part 10

Despite the continuing of restrictions, I try to get out often and stay busy–but safely. And since my car is not mine anymore, I have been sampling all kinds of mass transit. My favorite: The Ferry. My bike, here, at the Brooklyn Army Terminal when I missed a ferry. And Read more…

⛴️ Lost On My Ferry Way

Since the NYC Ferry landing is along my daily walk, I always get the idea of hopping on. So on this gorgeous day I followed through! Taking the ferry all the way up to the Bronx… seeing views of all five of New York City’s boroughs. Take a look at Read more…

I’ll be on the water.

There is no better place than right next to the water. I’ll take any and all kinds of water. Even better is being with friends next to the water. To follow is some of the water I love near loved ones. The Greek‘s backyard in Broad Channel, Queens. Grapes! An Read more…