
Tag: jennifer’s way

V.V. Burger Showdown: Match 4: Battle of Smorgasburg​
[Chickpea & Olive vs. NÜBurger]

Match #4 of the V.V. Burger Showdown brings us to Smorgasburg, Brooklyn’s food flea market: Chickpea & Olive vs. NÜBurger Since 2008, Smorgasburg has allowed a slew of new and exciting food vendors to make a name for themselves. And several are either all-vegan or offer vegan options, including Chickpea & Olive and NÜBurger, the competitors in Read more…

Manhattan Vegan Option Cupcake Crawl!

Sometimes–in the world of restaurants–a lone “vegan option” beats an “all-vegan” menu. But would this be true of bakeries too? On a bright Saturday afternoon, a friend and I accumulated research on this query, visiting 6 omnivorous bakeries in the isle of Manhattan in the name of deliciousness and gluttony. Read more…