
Tag: flaxseed

Some Cookie Dough Brownies

Feeling the need to bake, it was a batch of cookie dough brownies. But I wasn’t in my kitchen, so I’d need to illicit the help from a little helper. The brownie dough getting mixed up Two batters ready to be panned… Glops and glops and glops But I kind Read more…

Another Season, Another Reason
For Making Cookie

This might be a record for me. If I were to make a list of people who I got to give one of these cookies, it’d be at least 15 people. I tried this new recipe from Minimalist Baker… because I am on a quest to try like every vegan Read more…

Scenes from a Quarantine, Part 14

As we enter 2021 still within this health crisis, still within political insanity, the Scenes continue! Freshly testing out of a quarantine, to follow are Scenes from several quarantines past, in-between negative Covid tests… the ones before seeing my family for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as after my Read more…

Peanut Butter Pantry Turnover πŸ₯œ

I can’t stand when things are in my pantry too long. That space is valuable! So while I look forward to another wacky jam-packed week, I make food for it–nutrient-dense food to provide longer term sustenance and more healthful ingredients. Because now’s the time to try to be/stay healthy. So Read more…

V.V. Overnight Oats

People sometimes want to know about my overnight oats. I whip up a big batch every Sunday to take care of breakfast for the week. They’re super easy, nutritionally dense and highly customizable. Though I usually just eyeball all of the ingredients, this time, for you, I kept track of Read more…