
Tag: cupcake

V.V. Burger Showdown: Match 5: Cardinal Veggie Burger Sins​
[Blossom On Carmine vs. Blossom du Jour]

Match #5 of the V.V. Burger Showdown: The Blossom battle turns out to be a lesson on how not to do a veggie burger. Blossom On Carmine vs. Blossom du Jour Despite the proclamations from HappyCow, PeTA,  and VegNews, I often say that New York City is not so vegan-friendly. Does New York City have Read more…

Candle 79, And Now Some NYC Love

With the start of the school year, I am in Brooklyn everyday again. Urban machinery and subterranean air have united me with 8 million more parts. I remember why I love her. And I remember why I hate her. She’s like me–impractical and strained while magnificent in her own norms. She has Read more…

Blue Backdrop, and one more meal

The time-worn signage of cities less invaded by Big Box is like a living antique. Its hearkening charm is one of the many things I enjoy about getting out of the metropolitan area. The color combinations, fonts, materials hold character. They hold on to something that’s gone.  A glorious congregation of circling Read more…

18 Hours: Upstate / Connecticut Loop {Day Trips, 101}

Travel tucks you into new environments, which facilitate different experiences. And experience is the basis of all learning, all growth. So, travel is enlightenment…. Luckily, there is no need to head to an ancient Buddhist temple to derive this wisdom. There is plenty of beauty, adventure, inspiration, oddity (and vegan eats) just a couple of hours away. Read more…

V.V. Burger Showdown: Match 1: Everybody Wants Some [Superiority Burger vs. By Chloe]

Ok, so I hadn’t realized I reported on so many of NYC’s veggie burgers until I counted them on my blog: 40 burgers! But times have changed since 2010 when I set out on a mission to find the best one (reporting briefly on 36 of them), then vaguely declared as Read more…

On V.V. Summer Assignment, Day 2: Bloodbuzz Ohio

What is hard about being a roadtripping blogger is that all your pearls of wisdom–the thoughts and ideas born on the road, inside its motion and pace–are diminished into imperceptible dots by the time you’re in a place you can write. Even thoughts that build into intricate cities of complexity, Read more…

On V.V. Summer Assignment, Day 3: O.H./K.Y./T.N.

I woke up in Cincinnati ready to say goodbye to Ohio. Ohio is chock full of metropolises… Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, and other such C-words. But with this being my third day about, the inevitable turn back east had to be soon. So it was fare thee well, Ohio… But not Read more…

Vegan Victuals in Vermont

Last time I spent any time in Vermont, I was just a young punk snowboarding on the motel bed.  This time, like twenty years later, it is summer here in Vermont. The blazing sun, blue sky, and green mountains made for a beautiful scenic drive–off the interstate, behind careful trailers Read more…

Constant Craving

Do this experiment. Start peeling an orange, put your nose in the path of the rind’s mist, peel a packet loose and place it in your mouth, but do not chew… Your salivary glands dumped buckets out into your mouth whether or not you thought you wanted an orange. There is Read more…

El Rey on the LES

After spying El Rey Coffee Bar & Luncheonette‘s yum on a friend’s Instagram, I texted my food compatriot CandyPenny immediately. A menu like this does not turn into a back burner bookmark. So a semi-spontaneous afterwork trip to Manhattan’s Lower East Side trumped the age-appropriate desire to head home to relax on a Friday Read more…

Lawn Guy Land

When I lived in Brooklyn, I had better access to vegan food options. Living on Long Island, I make my food more often. This is a good thing. But on occasion I’ll hunt down food leads, determinedly, like I would if I was staying for just a day. I like the hunt–and Read more…

Connecticut Day Tripper

Connecticut, New York’s northern neighbor, has plenty of vegan eats to feast upon. It’s an ideal destination for a day trip. I can get to Connecticut without heading far into the New York City area and her more messy crossings. The Throgs Neck Bridge is an easy breeze. A couple Read more…


Plants give us such glorious things: fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, stems, leaves. And how delicious are these parts? To think that we eat the reproductive organs of plants? It’s all very wonderful, like we’re eating life. And in the case of bright, juicy blood oranges, it feels even more so. Read more…

New York City Treats

Sometimes you leave your neighborhood and do things in “The City.” Other times you drive in, illegally park next to the things you want to do quickly, without hullabaloo, and get the heck outta Dodge. That is how I feel about Manhattan these days. You know when 14th street opens Read more…

Jersey Day Trip

Treating my home, and its surrounding cities, like I would an unknown city—subject to the same fine tooth comb in search of vegan options—my list of vegan leads in the neighbor state New Jersey was growing. And preferring a random and mysterious lone vegan option to a well-worn, all-vegan establishment Read more…

Vegan Queens Reporting

Queens is more often an in-between. But once my bookmarked leads were a bit brimming, it was time to purge with a vegan tour of Queens, starting at Richmond Hill’s Veggie Castle, the Queens version of the long defunct Veggie Castle on Flatbush avenue in Brooklyn.  I feel lucky to have experienced Read more…

Beautiful Things & Cupcakes

Sometimes the sky blazes. And it makes even a suburban street beautiful. A beautiful birthday orchid. Spider art. The new dining room. And Frank. Cupcake Monster prep. Dandies + edible markers = Weird monster cupcakes. You lookin’ at me?

D-Town Vegan, Abandoned

Fields and fields of corn. This is what’s inside the heart of the heartland. After hours of fields of corn, I was back in the Motor City area to sample some vegan eats. Lunch, finally was at Inn Season Cafe in Royal Oak. They have a promising brunch menu they only serve Read more…

Sweet, Sweet Indy

Some stops I just can’t resist. A mostly-vegan bakery inside an office building in downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana, a city with a dearth of vegan offerings, was one such stop: Pembroke Bakery & Cafe. Being this was my first bite of food today, I bought a bunch of goodies, including Read more…

On Assignment, Vegan in Ann Arbor

Sometime in August, lazily lounging on a couch, I thought it’d be a good idea to move my blog forward to “all states reporting” status. This thought during this determined August, the tail-end of a summer spent stacking my professional credentials, could not have known I’d be inundated with the Read more…

Asbury Park, Vegan Style

The reach of vegan keeps extending… and I am thankful for these opportunities of discovery and… sustenance. My latest discovery, Goldie’s in Asbury Park, is an all-vegan and all-respectful-of-food eatery on the renovated Cookman Avenue in downtown in the Jersey Shore destination of Asbury Park. Let’s look at the highlights Read more…

Crossing the Mason-Dixon: Vegan Eats in Richmond, VA (Day 2)

There is nothing more fantastic than a tofu scramble in the morning… especially when you group the classic vegan breakfast with a good cup of Joe and the freedom of having the whole day at your disposable. No errands. None of the normal routines that eat up your day and Read more…

Crossing the Mason-Dixon: Vegan Eats in Richmond, VA

For how many times I’ve been in Virginia, I have never blog reported on vegan eats! Well, here I am… exhausted and amazed by what is available here for a vegan. We had our first vegan stop in downtown Richmond at a spot only open 7-3, Monday through Friday. Down a Read more…

Vegan in The Bronx

While taking a botany class all-week at the gorgeous New York Botanical Garden, I thought it was fine time to do some blog reporting in the northern-most borough of New York City. The Bronx. The Bronx has a handful of vegan gems, mostly Rastafari-owned Ital counter spots/health food stores, that Read more…

Midwest Vegan, Day 7 [Goodbye, Chicago]

Karyn delivered–in save-the-best-for-last fashion. And after peeping her menus from her multiple vegan restaurants for many years, I was finally sitting in Karyn’s on Green, ready for Saturday brunch. I had the Breakfast Sliders: two delicious Belgian waffles for a bun, their yummy butternut squash “bacon,” a savory tofu “egg,” and almond Read more…

Midwest Vegan, Day 5

With this midwest jaunt winding down, it was time to head back to Chicago so check out some of their great vegan options before time runs thin. We returned to Chicago by way of Madison, Wisconsin, hitting two spots we missed on the way out west. First, Bloom Bake Shop Read more…