
Tag: coconut whip

Photo Purge

Dad & Sister coconut whip, blueberry, strawberry chocolate cake parfaits. Happy July Birthdays! Fluff keeping cool in the shade.  Collaborative craft for a special Momma. 5 people are better than 1! Symmetry is a kind of beauty. This salad is from The Purple Elephant in Northport, Long Island. This Buffalo Read more…

Home for the Super Bowl 49

The Super Bowl is great reason to make a lot of food. Counter-clockwise: I made potato skins, blank canvases for assorted fixings. Cashew sour cream. Field Roast corn dogs. Mini omelet bites from leftover batter. Green onion. Nacho cheese from Oh She Glows. Sauteed sweet peppers. And coconut whip brownie Read more…

Berry Birthday Parfait

Hello, beautiful berries. So here is part 1 of what I did to the Hummingbird cake: I made my sister’s birthday parfaits out of it! There’s nothing coconut whip and berries can’t make better. Yeah, that’ll do.  And the second birthday treat: Heathers the Musical. How very.

I Want My Father’s Day Cake! [2014]

Happy Father’s Day! When I asked my Dad what kind of cake he wanted… my Mom replied, “Strawberry Shortcake.” They knew it was a bit more involved a recipe. But I was up for the challenge! [I’m the queen in the throne.] It starts with strawberries from the farmers market. Read more…

Long Weekends

The Beninngton flag waves on Memorial Day weekend. As does the Stars and Stripes on the beer. On the plate: my favorite summer side: corn grilled in its husk, Field Roast apple-sage sausage topped with the kitchen sink, and a delicious potato salad that The Electrician made. I was on Sweet duty. Read more…

Vegan Vanilla Ding Dongs or Chocolate-covered Coconut Creme-filled Vanilla Mini-cakes

I love long Sundays in the kitchen. The afternoon sun streaming in… making a mess… licking the spoon… It’s the best part of the week. Today’s epic recipe, a version of this: Vegan Vanilla Ding Dongs Real ‘black tar’ vanilla bean Very vanilla sheet cake. I could have put this Read more…

Apple Takeover, Part 1

Gorgeous apples of all shapes and sizes. Speckled uniquely, with underbellies, striated skin–a plane of antioxidants and fiber. Fruit–how glorious. My first bunch would be a batch of scratchmade apple sauce. Simple and easy–but perfect. Applesauce, to the left, and sweetened yam to the right. Autumn favorites. In the theme Read more…

Bean & Berry Layer Cake

Since I was a little girl, vanilla has been one of my favorite flavors. I used to huff vanilla extract on the sly, enjoyed only vanilla ice cream, eating around other flavored add-ins, and, as my birthday neared, requested only vanilla cake.  Fragrant and delicate, it is still my first Read more…

Pumpkin Extravaganza

It was time to say goodbye to the beautiful pumpkins that graced my home and classroom for weeks. I really love this part. Opening ’em up, pulling their stringy innards and seeds from their packed, dense flesh with my bare hands, I imagine the procedure is akin to butchering. Processing Read more…

Still obsessed with making parfaits.

My sister requested parfaits for her birthday and I was happy to oblige. I started with sliced strawberry and baby plum, looking fresh and gorgeous. These would be the cooked fruit layer, along with fresh layers of blueberry.I also needed a cake layer and a ton of coconut whipped cream. Read more…

Now I’m Obsessed With Parfaits

Remember when I bought those peaches at the upstate orchard? I forgot to take them out of the brown paper bag overnight. So!  they were super ripe right away. I had to use them all in one bang. After whipping up those simple red, white and blue parfaits on Independence Read more…

Patriotic Parfaits & Grilled Nectarine-tempeh ‘bobs

Independence Day is all about strawberry/blueberry sweet concoctions! I made my patriotic parfaits mostly from scratch, save for the berries, and delivered them to my family as a sweet summer treat. After all, I can’t very well eat all of them! A cold parfait is not only refreshing, it’s a Read more…