
Tag: Cherry Springs State Park

Checking In On Cherry Springs State Park

It’s been several years since I visited the first place I ever shot the stars. Though that evening was clear, too many times my plans were thwarted by the mountain’s tempestuous clouds. But we would give it a shot anyway, staying in town to allow for an easy check on Read more…

Shooting Stars: Preparing to Photograph
the Orionids Meteor Shower β˜„

[Oh my.] The Orionids Meteor Shower will be peaking on my birthday. So naturally, I have to accept the sky’s invitation. I’d have to find the dark, program my camera, sit back and watch the show, hoping for better luck than when I attempted to catch the Perseids this time Read more…

Blessed are the Intrepid, Day 1:
Three Wishes

At some point, as I sat in the vacant astronomy field across the street, the traffic in the parking lot of the public stargazing field of Cherry Spring State Park died down. There was darkness above, yes, but it was blanketed by a murky sheet of heavy overcast. Underneath it Read more…

Shooting Stars: Preparing to Photograph
the Perseid Meteor Shower β˜„
Astrophotography For Beginners

With a few successful astrophotography shoots under my belt, mostly dealing with composition, I was ready to attempt to capture the : ::motion:: : of the sky–stars that shoot. The Perseid Meteor Shower, an annual display of displaced comet debris, offered such an opportunity. So I’d be packing up my Read more…

Nightscapes: A Trial Run at
Cherry Springs State Park

So much is, whether we acknowledge it or not. Whether we know it or not. As we carry on as the terrestrials we are, there above us… infinitely more. Tonight I pointed my camera upward in an attempt to take a piece of that more, a dress rehearsal in advance Read more…

Under the Milky Way Tonight:
Astrophotography For Beginners

With a trip to Western Texas’ s deep, dark sky in April, I am determined to have success in my first official attempt at photographing… through the night with the light from above. That means immersion and practice now. Immersion. 🌌 Besides taking a series of classes that will culminate Read more…