
Tag: beet

Finally: A Champion is Crowned / The Preview of the Next Burger Battle

Here we are. The long overdue conclusion of my first New York City Vegan Victuals Burger Battle! After 16 burgers, a champion has emerged. And it’s Brooklyn’s Toad Style! With a commitment to housemade excellence, Toad Style sets a high standard for all those who hope to create a top-notch vegan burger. Read more…

Teton Chaser

Everything in Jackson, Wyoming revolves around the Tetons. And proving this, I spent my day finding a variety of ways and circumstances in which I could see the Tetons. Starting at the crack of dawn. The striking hues of a beautiful sunrise can do pretty fantastic things to the sky, so I knew Read more…

Detox Salad Days

Your body needs an internal scrub every now and again. Preparing a week’s worth of detox salads means you are eating raw for a good portion of the day. I’ve been experimenting with combining powerfully detoxifying veggies during a pre-summer detox. Shredding all ingredients helps body break food down easily and Read more…

V.V. Burger Showdown Semi-Finals Match 2: A Fall From Grace ​[By Chloe vs. Chickpea & Olive]

Match #2 of the V.V. Burger Showdown Semi-Finals: A Fall From Grace. By Chloe vs. Chickpea & Olive Ok, I’m back in the burger battle again! We’re at the 2nd of the Semi-Finals of the V.V. New York City Burger Showdown!  I know I said this before… But it’s been awhile: what’s great about this Read more…

Oregon Trails

The day’s activities would involve a pitchfork and a wheel barrel. But first, a bit of breakfast: great coffee from Archive Coffee Bar, which has vegan donut holes from Bigwig delivered Tuesdays & Fridays (bummed I missed them!) and a strawberry and chocolate-stuffed vegan crĂŞpe from Oregon CrĂŞpe Cafe & Bakery. Read more…

Garden Log, Spring 2016: Day 1: Garden Startin’

The worst part of gardening are the pesky mosquitos that just love attacking me and feasting on my delicious, clean blood… and other buggies who eat my harvest. This year I have employed fragrant herbs to deter and repel those killjoys. These herbs will be surrounding my raised bed. Not Read more…

So Purdy.

The ocean next door. Without Pickle Shack, M.O.B. will have to do. Ground’s jewels. Complete protein. Roasted vegetable aftermath art. Happy cupcakes. Manmade on majesty. “Even if you’re on the right track…”

::February Photo Purge::

Another school recess has started! So I must clear my plate for new offerings and doings. 2016 is moving fast. Let’s stop and look for a moment. Green means go. Flat iron. Building Brooklyn buildings Open-faced beet and tahini Switching buttons Trial for classroom Valentine activity Success! Life merging has Read more…

January Recap

2016 is 1/12 complete. January is new routines inside old comforts, like the best vegan chocolate chip cookies: your own. It’s taking care… with a Long Island rec. center membership bonus: nobody in the sauna with you. It is having fire with the snow… with tempeh. It’s inspiration from the ground; the potato plays nicely Read more…

Mixing it and Matching it

I am starting a month of salads! So most of my week’s groceries were from the produce section. In order to hold my interest while sustaining my nutritional needs, I was going to do a lot of mixing and matching. You know what they say about variety… So here are my Read more…

Home Tidbits {Pictorial}

Upcycled bread box. Yellow and teal. “You don’t bring me flours anymore.” Coke bottle crate spice holder. Vintage aesthetic / modern function. Animals on plates. Black radish heart procession. In the train, out at the station, the slither of pink sunset. Christmas is here. Fir on the floor. Weekly banana bread. Read more…

Bday 2: The “Disconnect” Rant /
Avant Garden Review

It annoys me how NYC food culture vultures and foodie scenesters so often snub vegan food… especially when they really have no experience with it. Well, wait. That’s not necessarily true. They have no experience with it as cuisine genre. Those who think that “vegan” is a curse word, well Read more…

Vegan Shop-up @ Pine Box Rock Shop

I usually shy away from these kinds of shop-up things. My introversion makes them quite taxing. But every once and a while, I’ll partake. Mostly because I’m irrationally obligated to carry out my Burger Showdown in a timely fashion. I had to hit Cinnamon Snail for their burger. But we ate other Read more…

Autumn Weekend Pictorial

With Hurricane Joaquin worries put out to sea, I had my first proper weekend after my first proper full week of working, finally. Summer is officially gone. It’s back to the grind.  Kitchen renovation cookies, with just a pinch of sawdust. Various gourds for the stoop as October is here, Read more…

V.V. Burger Showdown: Match 4: Battle of Smorgasburg​
[Chickpea & Olive vs. NÜBurger]

Match #4 of the V.V. Burger Showdown brings us to Smorgasburg, Brooklyn’s food flea market: Chickpea & Olive vs. NÜBurger Since 2008, Smorgasburg has allowed a slew of new and exciting food vendors to make a name for themselves. And several are either all-vegan or offer vegan options, including Chickpea & Olive and NÜBurger, the competitors in Read more…

Veg-heavy Days

This week’s gorgeous lunch photographed so well. Grilled tempeh, roasted beets, brown & wild rice pilaf with dill, cashew & diced red pepper, sautĂŠed beet greens and Dino kale. Who wants to cook dinner in this sweltering heat? It was time to use my Asian market goodies and make some summer rolls. Inside: avocado, Read more…

V.V. Burger Showdown: Match 1: Everybody Wants Some [Superiority Burger vs. By Chloe]

Ok, so I hadn’t realized I reported on so many of NYC’s veggie burgers until I counted them on my blog: 40 burgers! But times have changed since 2010 when I set out on a mission to find the best one (reporting briefly on 36 of them), then vaguely declared as Read more…

NYC Staycation Road Trip

Dear New York City, I know I’d sooner drive hundreds of miles to a remote vegan option over state lines than hit your streets sometimes. The unfortunate truth is: you’re not who you used to be to me: escape, inspiration, excitement. Now, you are diluted, castrated even. I resent you Read more…

On V.V. Summer Assignment, Day 4: Bluegrass to the Blue Ridge

Another jam-packed day ahead of me and needing the boost, I had the tart from Louisville’s Flora Vegan Treats for breakfast. Clearly by observing Exhibit A below you can see it was light and crisply satisfying–like you want these kinds of tarts to be. The filling was blackberry, the ideal partner for the lemon zested Read more…

Partial Detox Time

When things are out of balance, this Libra takes action to enforce balance. Thinking of the rest of the gluttonous summer ahead of me, I began a brief partial detox–simplifying my food intake to mostly single-ingredient foods, along with experimental detox elixirs.  The first elixir: a mint green tea, lime Le Croix, cayenne, turmeric, Bee Read more…

The Sweet of the Earth

After almost 10 years of blogging, what more can I say about my love for the Earth’s candy? I have deconstructed the pleasure of eating fruit every which way. But it’s not enough. Now, finally–after many hours of rebooting and overhauling this here blog, fixing a months-long neglected slow load that, Read more…


Push aside winter grey, summer is unofficially here. The irises are blooming at the zombie house next door, triggered by nature. There Will Come Soft Rains-style.  The backyard, once a bland backdrop along the walk to the back door, invites entry, holds glistening fruits and color in its open palm. Asks Read more…

Bizarre Eats & Treats in the Bay Area

SOMA StrEat Food Park sets up next to the I-80, South of Market. Thanks to the rain (and the holiday?) we enjoyed this space with minimal crowding.  The apple of my eye? Hella Vegan Eats, “festive” all-vegan cuisine.  I had to get the bizarre Birthday Burger, a dense beet-based patty on a confetti sprinkled pancake Read more…

Heading For the ‘Frisco Bay / These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: Bison

I never really spent much time in San Francisco. As a reporter of vegan food all about this great country, why wouldn’t I have spent more time in the very veg-friendly Bay Area? It just didn’t sit right with me. No need to fret. The Electrician and I have headed west Read more…

All-Vegan in Brooklyn

New York City has its own all-vegan creperie now, Little Choc Apothecary. The bustling, pretty little shop is a welcome addition to NYC’s all-vegan community–which is a bit lacking. So welcome, Little Choc! She had the sweet and I had the savory. Here they are–real crepes! These are the real Read more…

Back to Lunch

Sundays in Fall means back to lunch. As the school year continues to kick my butt, I adjust slowly–feeling my best at some point on Sunday morning. In the middle of my making lunch for the week. Sweet potato mash, roasted red beets, and roasted tomatoes from my garden, to Read more…