Sweet, Sweet Indy
September 26, 2014

Some stops I just can’t resist. A mostly-vegan bakery inside an office building in downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana, a city with a dearth of vegan offerings, was one such stop: Pembroke Bakery & Cafe.
Being this was my first bite of food today, I bought a bunch of goodies, including their mini cinnamon chocolate roll, a big cinnamon bun, a berry danish, and their award-winning cayenne chocolate cookie. Sure, it was a bit excessive. But I was just passing through, heading south for several more hours. What if something happened and I needed sustenance enough for two or three? You can never be too careful. The truth is that I’d find plenty of sweets to eat in Indiana, and half of these would remain in my car for the overnight.
I had lunch in downtown Indianapolis, which was far more bustling (and hot) than I expected. I headed to the City Market for a taste of Three Carrots, an all-vegan vendor inside this maze of culinary delights. I had their Seitan Gyro, by recommendation, with their house-made seitan, cucumber dressing and fresh veggies on top a warm pita. And a side of their potato leek soup. The meal was gloriously messy and delicious though saltiness dominated. Perhaps my tastebuds are dumb right now with my cold?
After, undeterred by my tastebuds, I headed to The Flying Cupcake Bakery, for a taste of their vegan option. I opted for the Vegan Chai, which was yummy with that delightful frosting sugar grit I love in a cupcake. The cake was hearty, almost muffin-like. Delicious! The sweet countergirl let me know that another of their locations in the area had a larger selection of vegan options. Next time.
After some time had past, I ate again. This time, in Bloomington at an adorable space that was made for food blogging. I do appreciate a cute and careful aesthetic alongside my vegan eats. The Owlery, whose link lived in my bookmarks for many moons, was the dinner destination.
I got the beer-battered fish n’ chips. Gosh, I don’t know why. Maybe I wanted a side of fried with my fried main. It was the texture, in the end, that reigned supreme. Such a golden delicious breading!
I skipped having yet another sweet treat at The Owlery, but only because…
I wanted to hit the all-vegan Rainbow Bakery!!
It was almost closing time so their case had been emptied quite a bit. But I bought three goodies for motel nibbling. Not that I ending up eating anything at the motel. I just had a photoshoot then packed them up for tomorrow. This is not, after all, an after-school special. (Pictured a Hibiscus donut, Green tea cupcake, and a coconut bacon maple-glazed donut.)Tomorrow I head back to Detroit with a list of things to eat.