Storm Porn & Fried Gnocchi
August 29, 2011
Might as well share some pictures of Hurricane Irene’s after-math since I survived the hullabaloo. Small branches and leaves littered everywhere like a clumsy, ravenous herbivore had it’s way with the land.
Much to the disappointment of the newscasters reporting on the storm, the damage was far less than expected. I want the hours spent listening to their premature whining back. Fear-mongerish and manipulative reporting insults our intelligence.
“Storm surge” and “astrological high tide”: take a swig. “Ghost town” and a clearly manipulated camera shot hyperbolizing Irene’s impact: take two swigs.
Sidewalk blockage everywhere. “Hey, I’m walking here!”
This split tree was pretty intense.
And… pan-fried gnocchi, as promised. I had run into several omni recipes for fried gnocchi and I wanted to give it a whirl, hoping to up the ante on an ol’ stand-by. I cooked up the gnocchi then transferred it with a slotted spoon into some hot oil. I probably should have let is get a bit more golden but wanted to make sure I didn’t end up with rubber. They were absolutely yummy topped! Next time I will get a bit fancier as I just topped these babies with marinara…