St. Michaels Cemetery
Astoria, Queens
May 6, 2023

I have many NYC lists filled with all sorts of things of interest. But now I will begin the slow process of crossing as many places off my list as possible. St. Michaels Cemetery is one such places. Since we were in Queens for a baseball game, we made a morning of it, capturing the vibrant blue that had been hidden all of last week. Here are some highlights…
A faded picture that reminded me of the haunted house ride at Disney.

Hazy offerings of flowers, peaceful faces marked the graves of loved ones. Though the cemetery didn’t have too many large angels, there were plenty of small ones with unique time-weathered expressions.

There were also many versions of this monument, made by Rock of Ages in Vermont.

Don’t say a word.

This was a very beautiful and unique monument.

Kind of tacky that their branding is featured so prominent.

This face… so woeful

Broken angel

Little one