Spring Break Decay-tion
Off Route 66, Part 4
Tucumcari, New Mexico
April 17, 2022
The Heart of the Mother Road, I very much enjoyed my stay in Tucumcari, New Mexico. The whole town embraces roadtrip culture as bygone ruins stand next to thriving road establishments in a sort of living museum. Seemingly frozen in time, I was able to book my stay at a motor lodge with a working Magic Fingers massage bed, an item on my bucket list as a lover of both vintage and road culture.
But besides this draw, there’s a lot to see in Tucumcari. It was difficult to drive more than a minute without finding a reason to pull over to capture a picture. So here are some of my shots.
Most of the Route 66 motels had gorgeous classic cars on their grounds.
In downtown Tucumcari
Kodak. So perfect it looked staged.
Onward to my stay at Roadrunner Lodge…
The room was perfection… all the details set in the 60’s. When I entered, the radio was playing era-appropriate music and it even had advertisements from way back. RC Colas and Moon Pies were also waiting…
There it is! The reason for my stay.
Some video…
The pretty bathroom
Real key
What an amazing town! I hope to return again at some point soon.