Some Vegan Eats in Montauk
May 4, 2021

A satiating breakfast was necessary after a grueling first evening of camping. I stumbled into Hampton Coffee Company in downtown Montauk in a daze and left with a greasy breakfast sandwich that was going to do the trick… though it wouldn’t be my usual choice. With Field Roast Chao Cheese and Beyond Breakfast Sausage on top of some folded Just Egg in a locally baked Ciabatta, oily breakfast sandwich ooze solidified the experience. And it held me over for many hours.

I saw these a bit too late… as in after I was already taken aback by the price of my oat milk latte and sandwich. Montauk is seaside robbery. La Bello Vegan Sweets makes biscotti among other sweet treats.

Naturally Good Foods & Cafe has those 90’s vibe vegan options… which nowadays is far more appealing than mass produced packaged stuff. They were really busy on this beautiful Saturday, but worth the wait.

My Cajun Tofu Sandwich is grilled blackened tofu, lettuce, tomato, and avocado… it also came with a Chipotle Aioli but I did not inquire about its veganness so I didn’t try. Sure, if I was let in the prep area I might have come up with a much more exciting sandwich option, the tofu was nostalgic and delightfully herb-speckled.

Good clean eats, yes please.

Breakfast on the way back… I wanted to check out the vegan options at Organic Krush in Amagansett.

This smoothie was drop-dead delicious… The Krush It was apple juice, pineapple, ginger, and parsley. Perfection and a million annoying mmmm’s.

My Sweet Potato Hash was sweet potatoes, bell peppers, onions, apples, smoked paprika aioli along with added tofu. Really just what the doctor ordered! Well, actually, the doctor would rather prescribe some drug with crazy side effects to further imbalance my body. All hail the mighty medical profit system! Ugh, the Western model of medicine is complete garbage!

This place will be my new go-to when in the area… and it’s not because the counter guy cut me a fresh flower on my way out. Lolz…

I look forward to vegan growth spreading down the long island… but things in Montauk are on their own isolated timeline.