Snow Skin Mooncakes 🥮
January 15, 2024

Since I made baked mooncakes last Lunar New Year, I have wanted to try making “snowskin” mooncakes. Traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival, these Chinese no-bake treats are also called Crystal Mooncakes or Snowy mooncakes. With the recent snow, they were on my mind… even though it is not Mid-Autumn.
I was excited to use the Butterfly Pea Flower powder I got for Christmas. I would color a batch of dough with it and make another batch with beet powder. Inside, I would use a sweetened paste of Stokes purple potato.

I used this recipe, making the purple potato paste first. Look hoe vibrant!

Flash forward, all the doughs are done and I am almost ready to form cakes…

First I have to steam the doughs.

All steamed and way darker than I wanted, but hey! They are Buffalo Bills colors-ish

The paste ready to be wrapped with dough.

You have to cook the dusting flour… because flour is raw. It is sweet rice flour, but you can use confectionary sugar for a less authentic option.

Everything ready to roll

The end result, quite beautiful!

Well worth the effort! Can’t wait to make these with other fillings.